Context Free Game Quotes: 2025!
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2-9-25, War of the Burning Sky
“Ono forgot the name of his monastery.”
“Hye, there’s a chick for you to slap in here, so warm up your pimp hand!”
“I do NOT want a shirt that says ‘Warm Up Your Pimp Hand’.”
“Full attack! And stop that non-lethal bullshit!”
“It’s a tickle missile!”

2-2-25, Wrath of the Righteous
“So, I’ll wait until Illendar comes of out his dragon’s ass.”
“There will be NO deals!”
“He’s mistaken if he thinks I listen to him.”

1-31-25, Age of Extinction
DM: “You see your worst fears…”
“I stick dead people.”
PC: “I have a normal whip. Why wouldn’t I use this?”
DM: “Because it’d look stupid.”

1-26-25, Quarantine with the Classics
“I thought I had some privacy here!”
DM: “You hear a hoarse whisper…”
Centaur PC: “I didn’t whisper!”
“I’m just trying to bring people together.”
“I don’t need hitpoints!”

1-24-25, Strange Aeons
“We have failed as a society when the androids become furries.”
“This is a strangely boring place.”
“Should we go in naked?”
“I gotta get better friends.”

1-19-25, Wrath of the Righteous
“I was about to do that.”
“You don’t have a Summoner book!””
“Apparently, I need to write one.”

1-18-25, Seas of Consequence
“The brothel here is called ‘Beef’.”
“Lamonta’s about to Wild Shape into a fucking problem.”

1-17-25, BDC
“Neutral Good? They’re NEVER going to see their parents!”
“The ranger doesn’t want to ride in the wagon, like some pantywaist.”
“The legend of the two wagons.”

1-12-25, Abomination Vaults
“In the ’80’s, every mall had a Big Worm in it. They were usually next to Chess King.”
“Some people just like to watch”
“We like to think of them as breadcrumbs of destruction.”
GM: “So Kevin’s a 10?”
Player: “In my book, anyway.”
“That’s my Resting Rage face.”
“And on the level right below the Big Worm, we’ll probably find a B. Dalton.”
“Luckily, I’ve already had the Ghoul Vaccine!”
“I’ve always been terrified of being prone and Grappled!”
“2 Ghouls and a Cultist walk into a bar.”
“And the bartender says, ‘Why the long face?'”
“Fortunately they use the Dwarven Decimal System.”
“It’s a Shooty, Don!”

1-12-25, War of the Burning Sky
GM: “He’s unconscious, and Webbed, and upset.”
PC: “That’s the way I like it.”
“If I had Charisma and Intimidate, these guys would be fucked!”

1-5-25, Wrath of the Righteous
“I love the smell of burning demons in the morning.”
“Gato’s my attorney! ‘Slippin’ Gato’.”
“I just want to touch Fletcher.”