from Erik Mona: “It’s not every day that a monthly periodical manages 200 volumes. The predecessor to Pathfinder Adventure Path, the venerable Dungeon Magazine, only lasted 150 issues. A
In January: The rescue operation continued as planned. The last remaining refugees in Phaendar were huddled around Ecko while everyone else formed a screen as they made their
“By the end of the year, the Rebel Moon game was dead, staff had been asked to work without pay for periods of up to three months, freelancers were struggling
May 21: Vecna: Eve of Ruin (AP lvl 10-20) June 18: The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977 July 16: Quests From the Infinite Staircase (module anthology
“Many DMs complain that CR is an unreliable yardstick for measuring an encounter’s difficulty, and ironically it looks like Mearls is among them. He’s now come up with