Keoland is a pleasant and agreeable land, but without a great deal of population. The dirt track that led away from Gradsul into the verdant hinterlands passed many
Aponivicius quickly realized that challenging the Optimists Primes to single combat was a mistake. They’d destroyed her lair, using the bomb platform that she’d counted on to resolve
In August: While dinner conversation was coming to a close and it was determined that the party would head back home without resting, the heroes became aware that
“Zombie Plane centers on a secret government organization that recruits celebrities to be undercover agents, who together must save humanity from an imminent zombie attack. Norris, Ice and
Somewhere in jumpspace between Cymbeline and Tewfik… “I did it for the money, of course,” said Keev Smitchy matter-of-factly. “I got my position at TILA and they posted