RECAP: Latest on the Ironfang Invasion

January: The rescue operation continued as planned. The last remaining refugees in Phaendar were huddled around Ecko while everyone else formed a screen as they made their way as quickly as possible to the river. It became very clear, once the cover of the houses was abandoned, that several groups had discovered the escape and dozens of warriors were converging on the fleeing group. Several members of the party slowed the advance of hobgoblins while the remaining heroes aided in getting the refugees to and across the river. Just as hobgoblins got close enough and started reaching for their crossbows, Valki conjured up large swaths of billowing fog to cover their escape. With bolts whizzing all around them, all the heroes and those that were rescued made their way safely across the river and into the cover of the forest.

After getting 20-30 minutes deep in the forest the party stumbled upon the green dragon, Krynn, who was just finishing pulling several arrows and bolts out of the various parts of his body. The refugees all stood silently in shock and the dragon made no attempt to hide the fact that he found that very amusing. After some playful banter back and forth, Ecko healed the dragon and the dragon reminded the party that he had performed his end of the deal and that the party’s side was to help him rid the forest of anyone who would cause long term damage to it (this included the refugees too). After thanking Ecko for the heal, the dragon flew off to the north and out of sight. Exclamations and questions erupted immediately from the townsfolk over what they had just witnessed and it took the heroes several minutes to placate the mob.

Travel continued towards the half  way house but was interrupted when Takeshi, Valki, and Ephram figured out someone was following. An ambush was set and quickly executed. Eight orcs and hobgoblins walked right into the trap that Ephram had set and he opened fire. A melee ensued and Karog started cutting down foes like they were made of paper while the rest of the heroes joined in. Valki cast some very clutch web and fear spells which allowed everyone else to make quick work of the hobgoblin war party.

After the battle was over the group resumed it’s way towards the halfway house and ultimately back to the caves.

February: Everyone made it back home where round 2 of both happy and sad tears were shed by all. After the initial reception, Jet, Aubrin, and Nanet, organized a welcoming feast and a very good night was had by all.

The next morning, the party explained the need for foraging in the forest to be done carefully and thoughtfully. There were some grumbles from the already exhausted workers, but the tasks were adjusted and work continued without a problem due in large to the recent peak in morale. For the next several days many meetings were held to administer affairs of the camp, and plan the next steps and priorities. At the conclusion of those discussions, finding the Chernasardo Rangers was determined to be the next important goal.

As the party gathered outside to leave the next morning a scream was heard which caused the party to jump into action. Owlbears were attacking two of the refugees. The party engaged as quickly as they could but one of the workers was cut down before the party could explain to the Owlbears the error of their ways. Just as the fight had  concluded, Ephram noticed a treant retreating through the woods. He gave chase and tried to communicate with it, but was met with a (poorly) thrown rock. After the party regrouped and discussed what Ephram had seen, they decided to track the creature and discover the reason for it’s odd behavior.

After almost a day’s travel, the glade of the treant was discovered. Ecko decided it was best he approached speaking in Sylvan to try and parlay with the creature (even after it had tried to attack Ephtram). Ecko took a very patient and observant stance while the treant spit venom with her words towards all humanoid creatures that harmed her forest. Through much patience and skill he understood their misunderstandings and slowly converted the treant to their side. While doing this he made an agreement (like with the dragon Krynn) that they would continue to help ridding the forest of the destructive hobgoblins if the treant (Longfrond) would help their camp use the forest in a more considerate and efficient way. An understanding was established and then the party returned to their task of making contact with the rangers.

After a few days travel a dehydrated injured elf was discovered hanging from a tree in the middle of the forest. Through the use of spells from Takeshi, Valki, and Ecko, he was freed from the tree and brought down safely to be healed.

April: We picked up from healing the elf who was up in the tree. His story was that he and his group was attacked by hobgoblins and he was the only survivor. A few things seemed off with him so as the party pressed the issue he broke down and confessed that he had also witnessed the ambush and murder of several Chernasardo Rangers and didn’t do anything to help. The party assured him he did nothing wrong by not warning them and he would have just been added to the list of the dead. After that discussion he asked if he could stay with the party until you arrived at Fort Ristin.

After a partial nights rest, a small group passed close to camp. The party pursued them and determined that it was a group of 6 hobgoblins moving quickly. The who party couldn’t keep up so just used Sly to scout and found that several small groups of hobgoblins were meeting up in a clearing to make a fairly large group. With that, the party decided to continue towards the fort.

While travelling some smoke was spotted. As the party moved to investigate, they determined that a large oak was still smoldering and everything around it was singed. When they approached to douse the tree, they were greeted with arrows from a wood giant named Herge. After a couple members had dropped due to the magic arrows, he finally stopped the assault when little quiet Valki came out in the open without a weapon in hand and started chewing him up one side and down the other for what he was doing (I think the rest of the party probably took a few steps back away from her as well). Through a much calmer discussion and post investigation it was discovered that hobgoblins had set fire to the tree to kill some rangers who were shooting at them from perches in said tree. Herge apologized for his hasty judgment and agreed to not only take the party to Fort Ristin, but go meet with the refugees back at the caves to further teach them how to use the forest responsibly.

The next morning the group headed north where Herge dropped them off at a river and pointed at a hill on the other side and told them here fort was on the other side of that hill. He left and the party made there way across the river and to the top of the hill.

Before September: The party found Fort Ristin and approached. Finding many drunk Korred in the courtyard that had no use for parlay, the party embarked in a campaign to clear the fort. 15 Dead Korred later the group found some oxen and tried the free them and let them out the front gate. When it was opened a giant plant attacked Karog. Not thinking that one combat at a time was tough enough, someone threw open the door to the neighboring tower and two fights were upon the group.

September: The front gate was quickly closed to allow the party to focus on the tower fight in which a pretty nasty Redcap was eventually dispatched. Heading further up the tower, Karog, Ecko, and Ephram ascended the stairs while Valki flew up to scout the outside and top of the tower. On the second floor much carnage of redcaps and hobgoblins lay strewn about a room filled with many different kinds of skins. A redcap was found hiding in the corner and was promptly dispatched by the inside crew. After combat Ephram was looking through the mess of body parts and skins and found a skin baring the tattoo that was on the chest of one of his ranger friends. After a few minutes so Ephram could recover himself a bit, the party continued upward to the top floor where they found another redcap with a trollhound. The redcap warned the party to go back downstairs and leave the fort, but Karog instead rushed the creature.

October: The battle in the top of the tower continued and the party got the upper hand. After the trollhound was killed the redcap tried to surrender, but the party was having none of that, so they finished her off and then barricaded themselves in the tower to rest. During the night, Valki heard some excitement from the courtyard and it was discovered that some Korred were down there killing one of the oxen. After much deliberation, it was decided to go save the beast and a battle ensued. The Korred were quickly dispatched and after some looting, the party returned to the tower to finish their night of rest.