Owen KC Stephens: Cancer Free!
|from his gofundme page last night:
“Not to bury the lede: I got back my biopsy and Monday’s MRI test results, and both say I am now cancer free. WOOT! The tumor is totally gone, leaving just scarring behind. The suspicious mass near a lymph node has gone away. All the stuff we say in my MRI weeks ago has faded, and is now believed to have been scarring and inflammation from the two months of chemoradiation.
So, it took 18 months, but I BEAT IT!
And ALL of you helped. I am never going to forget what my family, friends, and the gaming community have done for me.
There are details to iron out — MRIs ever 6 months to make sure it STAYS dead, I have another 7 months months expected to recover from my last radiation treatment, and there are tens of thousands of dollars of bills to somehow manage — but none of that matters tonight.
Tonight, I’m just dancing a CANCER FREE dance!”