On the morning that we were to depart and head southwards towards the mountains, Sandru called us all together. “There will be one more rough leg,” he said.
From before: we burned Zoltan’s body so we couldn’t speak with dead; Mitch’s brother died in prison before the start of the game, and that’s when Zoltan took
Several people sick; uneventful trip back, although the sick party members had difficulties travelling; they were pushed to the limit to get back to town quickly. The party
Esteban introduces Erebus to the party – good fighter, plate mail, we could use someone who can swing a sword.\ unpo makes a knowledge check: what could prompt
“Wait – did you kill all… these… guys??” Esteban looked around at the panoply of corpses with an unabashed air of profound respect. “Not all of them, certa-”
We begin the evening by interrogating Jorgir the Axe. They have established caravans that deliver tools, supplies, etc to Raven’s Crag. These are trusted individuals with passwords. If
“That boat is definitely on fire,” said Esteban, squeezing away sweat from his brow with a paisley cloth. “A worthy end for Theodric. Put to rest like an
During the day, the rolling hills and miles of bright green and yellow fields south of Kalsgard are nothing if not picturesque. The Land of the Linnorm Kings,