Aponivicius quickly realized that challenging the Optimists Primes to single combat was a mistake. They’d destroyed her lair, using the bomb platform that she’d counted on to resolve
All was quiet in the military command center deep in the heart of Citadel Drezen, save for the tense argument between Crusader Commander Geir and King Harlakar, leader
by Mike P Lothar opened his eyes and raised his head to look at everyone. There was a mix of thoughtful contemplation, confusion, and shock on the faces
They had all seen the last remaining drake-rider land heavily in the reddish dirt, bounce high and then finally come to rest. It’s death was an effort in
The drakerider was pinned under Storm’s claws, nailed to the ground as surely as a oak. His mount twitched slightly and bled out not 15 feet away, it’s
Video permalink is here The Citadel now firmly in the hands of the Kenebrans, the thoughts of the Fellowship of Unwilling Participants turned toward their missing comrade Bardos.
Video is here We open in a circular room, with Gato and Otto staring at each other. “Stay back!” said Gato, brandishing his knife and looking terrified. His