It’s Canon Now: Grappling someone in freefall and they get feather-falled means the other guy feather-falls too.
|This happened at BDC the other night:
- Enemy is trying to escape during battle using their flying carpet. They jump on it and take off
- Our ranger does a body tackle and joins the enemy, grappling him.
- They are now both on the flying carpet, which is moving but somewhat uncontrolled.
- Ranger calls out the command word, trying to take control of the carpet, and succeeds. The carpet is still largely uncontrolled, since the ranger really doesn’t know what he’s doing.
- As they fight, the carpet angles upward and dumps both Ranger and Enemy out into freefall; they are still grappled.
- Wizard casts Feather Fall on the falling Ranger – immediate action, only can be cast on falling creatures of medium or smaller size.
- Enemy is grappled, but as Ranger lets him go, he tries to grapple *back* and hold onto the feather-falling Ranger. He succeeds.
The question: does the Enemy enjoy the benefits of Feather Fall similarly to the Ranger since he’s holding onto him? Answer is YES. From the rules:
There are three possible interpretations based on the available rules.
- Overly RAW reading of Grapple rules(half serious): Grappled targets are reduced to zero speed, thus the feather fall speed of 60’/round would become zero, and they would both hover in the air as long as the grapple was held.
- The grappler does not alter the spell effect, and may float down along with the caster (the negative extrapolation from this option being that a caster can allow anyone hanging on to them to also float down)
- The grapple attack or extra weight disrupts the spell, and both fall the remaining distance.
- It’s definitely not option (1) because grappling only reduces the Speed attribute of a character to zero, and feather fall’s falling movement is not derived from a character’s Speed. Even a very, very strict RAW reading doesn’t make the grappler and grapplee hang mid-air.
- If a weight increase affected the spell it would be noted in the spell’s effect, so it’s not (3).
- So by a process of elimination that leaves option (2): that someone can dangle off a feather falling character. This is also the result of least weirdness.
So what happens??
- As the spell says, the targeted creature’s fall rate is reduced.
- This doesn’t prevent them from carrying things while they’re falling, but anything, if dropped, isn’t suspended by the spell’s effect on the targeted creature and would fall as normal.
- Someone grappling a feather falling character neither breaks the spell, nor is a subject of feather fall themself. Nor does feather fall say that they’re magically slippery and can’t be held onto.
- Therefore, the grappler benefits from the reduced rate… at least, so long as they maintain the grapple.