Corona has FearTheCon considering online-only; no word yet on DieCon

Wayne Cole over at the Fear The Con kickstarter dropped this today:

Hey everyone.  I know at this point it has become a drinking game to take a shot every time a CEO or marketing group sends out an update, but I have had a few questions so I figured I would get out in front of this.  We take both our commitments and your health very seriously.  

Fear the Con is still three months away and at this point we are still on as planned.  I have a quote request out for our event insurance and have not gotten that back yet which could have an impact.  Obviously if this situation is still going on in June and travel bans are in place we will not be able to hold the con as planned.  This was a completely unforeseen set of events when we ran the Kickstarter.

It is our hope at this point that June will be safe and we will be able to continue with no impact.  Reality being what it is we are already working to determining what our options will be if that is not the case.  This could be rescheduling the con for later in the year or pushing it back to 2021.  A concerted effort for an online only convention to hold over until the actual convention can occur is also being discussed.  If any of you have suggestions I am more than willing to take them into consideration.  Feel free to message or e-mail me at  

Dan and I will have options and contingency plans long before we need to make our final decision and I suspect the next few weeks will give a better idea on what needs to be done.  I hope to have a final  go/no-go decision on May 1st.  

Thank you all for understanding  and I will keep you updated as things develop.

DieCon is also slated for June (5-7); checked the site today and there hasn’t been any sort of update. In the meantime, Mike Tresca had an article at En World about the current state of cons reacting to Corona.