The drakerider was pinned under Storm’s claws, nailed to the ground as surely as a oak. His mount twitched slightly and bled out not 15 feet away, it’s
A double recap since I’m so far behind on recaps! Permalinks are here and here. Previous recap here. The drake rider was l=wrenching himself up t o one
Video permalink is here The days after the fall of Drezen were a welcome respite for the Fellowship of Unwilling Participants. The heady afterglow of victory surrounded the
Video permalink is here The Citadel now firmly in the hands of the Kenebrans, the thoughts of the Fellowship of Unwilling Participants turned toward their missing comrade Bardos.
Video is here We open in a circular room, with Gato and Otto staring at each other. “Stay back!” said Gato, brandishing his knife and looking terrified. His
Video’s Up! Deeper into the Citadel travels the Fellowship of Unwilling Participants! Last time the softened up the Salamander threat and, later, extricated themselves from a potentially devastating
Great game night! After some discussion – Should we rest? Should we press on? — the decision was made to enter the sanctum of the salamanders, the blistering
Tonight we’re back in the fetid bowels of Citadel Drezen, continuing the search for the Sword of Valor! Theruk Nul is dead, staked and beheaded, but the area is empty