Archon sets Covid procedures

They’re rough; thanks Delta variant.

We’ve waited as long as we could but now it’s time to let you know our plans regarding COVID-19 protections we’ll have in place at Archon. This is a long post so please read everything!


The State of Illinois made a decision for us by requiring masks to be worn inside by anyone over the age of 2. This went into effect on Monday, August 30th. Accordingly, all attendees, committee, staff, vendors, and facilities personnel will be required to wear a mask:

-While in the Convention Center, unless actively eating or drinking in the LaSalle pre-function area, the fan lounge, or the tables by the concession stand.

-While in the public areas of the Doubletree Hotel except while actively eating or drinking in Hospitality (Clinton A & B ballrooms) or Hospitality Overflow (Madison D ballroom)

-Your hotel room is considered private but masks shall be worn by anyone who is not in your family unit/staying in the room.

The Archon Committee and Staff, and the Gateway Center and Doubletree staff will remind you of these rules if you are seen without a mask or if your mask does not fully cover your nose and mouth. We’ll be polite about our reminders but we reserve the right to pull your badge and ask you to leave the Archon rented space if you do not comply with our guidelines. Should your badge be taken due to non-compliance with mask mandates, you are not entitled to a refund or rollover of your membership.


Due to rising cases of COVID-19 in the greater St. Louis area, we have decided to require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (option A) OR a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of you picking up your badge (option B ) to attend Archon 44. Please read both sections below to understand what will be required when you arrive at the convention.

Option A – Vaccines

When you purchase a membership or pick up your pre-registered badge, you will need to show proof that you are fully vaccinated along with a photo ID. Acceptable proof includes your COVID-19 vaccine card, a picture of the card on your mobile device, or printout from a medical provider. The card must have your name, vaccine ID, and dates for your single Johnson & Johnson dose or your two Moderna/Pfizer doses (only one dose is not acceptable for Moderna/Pfizer). If you do not produce this information, you will not be allowed to pick up or purchase your badge, unless you have the appropriate negative test (see next section).

The COVID-19 vaccination is the best tool (…) we have to best protect you from COVID-19. The overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 are among people who are not vaccinated (…/covid-19-vaccine-breakthrough…/).
Here are some answers to questions we think you may have:

-Even if you have previously been infected with COVID-19, you still need to be vaccinated to attend Archon as it provides better protection (…/s0806-vaccination-protection.html).

-No, it is not a HIPAA violation for us to ask about your vaccination status. Really! (…/)

-You can use your vaccination card, a photo of your card (on your phone, for example), a printout from the health department or your doctor’s office, etc. as proof of vaccination. Questions about what will work? Email us (

Option B – Negative COVID-19 Test

If you are not vaccinated, if you are a minor under the age of 12, or if you choose not to show proof of vaccination, you will need to provide proof of a professionally administered negative COVID-19 test, taken within 72 hours of your arrival at Archon, in order to purchase an Archon 44 membership or pick up your pre-registered badge.

Proof of a professionally administered (physician, clinic, pharmacy, etc.) negative COVID-19 diagnostic test can be a physical paper copy or a snapshot on your mobile device, along with a matching photo ID, to display at registration.. Antibody or self-administered at home tests will not be accepted.


Should you not wish to attend Archon 44, and have already purchased your membership, you have two options in line with our existing refund policy (which has been in place for many years):

-A complete refund of your registration fee. This includes regular membership, Dealers’ Room table fees, Booksellers’ Row table fees, and Artists’/Creator’s Alley table fees.

-Rollover your registration to Archon 45 (2022) (including items mentioned in #1)

Please contact should you wish a refund or rollover of your Archon 44 membership.
By attending Archon you are agreeing to comply with these rules and non-compliance will be subject to your removal from the convention. We really appreciate your support and thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility. Here’s to a fun convention!